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Skincare Done Right – Badger Balm

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Badger Balm– great skincare, but its branding was desperate for youthful revitalization (just like skincare) and strong storytelling done right.  Tasked with taking a brand that skewed towards an older, female demographic, and marketing towards men and a younger demographic was a matter of capturing youth and masculinity, without alienating Badger Balm's current demographic.

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Rolling out the rebranded and revitalized Badger Balm deserves to be seen. With 50.7% of Instagram's audience being men ages 18 – 34, Badger Balm can reach its new target audience and increase brand awareness and engagement. 


Targeting artisanal Tik Tok

micro-influencers who use their hands for woodworking, music-making, and rock-climbing leads to millions of paid and earned impressions.

The men’s focus will refer to Badger Balm’s origins– as the company was started by a carpenter who needed a balm for his calloused, dry, cracked hands. 


The balm is made for do-ers, made for those who make things. Badger Balm knows the hard work of artisans and what it takes to do the job right. So, Badger Balm has rolled out its balm for men who make things. But it's not just men– it's the artisans. Because like the artisans who make things right, Badger Balm makes skincare right.

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Interested in seeing the original work that went into Badger Balm's rebranding?


Feel free to read through the initial process in developing the Badger Balm rebranding campaign here:

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